William Garden (Canadian/American 1918-2011)

The Nod
a cradle in the form of a boat designed and built by William Garden (Canadian 1918 – 2011) , size 36" LOA, 30" LWL, 23" beam, 2" draft, complete with oar, custom sail and cradle stand.

Built for his grandchildren, the Nod was launched by William Garden in 1994 for it's trial run just off Toad's Landing in Sidney, BC with a teddy bear at the helm. She went on to spend the next 30 years on land indoors. More information about this little boat can be found in Wililam Garden's 1998 book where it is profiled under Row Boats, pages 8-12.
Size: 48 h x 50 w x 25 d in

604 736 8825 or 1 800 730 8825

A Cradle Boat

LOA 36”, LWL 30”, Beam 23”, Draft 2”

The design of the little ship Nod was commissioned for my grandsons as a proper vessel to instill in infant mariners an early touch of seafaring, a sturdy berth of traditional form for snoozing and a first feel of proper framing, good copper fastenings, plus a view upward into a well-cut main course with proper gear rove off for voyages into dreamland. Now a regular cradle boat is fine but the kid falls out, chews up the gun’l or such, and it’s good for a year or so then relegated to the attic boneyard awaiting the next occupant. Nod, however, has been given sufficient tonnage to actually go voyaging across a pool or along a reedy shoreline accompanied at tow line end by a swimming parent, the young mariner alert and steely-eyed, lathe sword at the ready, with a good view forward under the bellying foot of the main course.

Now Nod, as you will notice, is initially rigged as a down winder, the leeboards being fitted for a future date when the mariner’s weight can be trusted to sit to weather, at which time the yard can be braced around, the leeboard lowered, and she’s off on a roaring reach to the consternation of frogs and cruising ducks. However, these voyages are contemplated for the more mature years of 3 up to perhaps 6. In any case we felt that stability and freeboard for these more mature voyages would depend on the growing mariner sitting well down in the ship and tending to the helm. This latter, by the way, should then be a proper rudder with steering yoke or a rudder port and tiller to replace the down wind fixed blade.

From about 6 years on, a small pup or the house cat might be enticed into a solo sail or the Nod can be sent to dry dock as a bin for laundry or sewing while awaiting the next generation. Since our kids were born on fresh water and into a horse-rearing family, it was felt that all of Nod’s help was needed to furnish early guidance into the pleasures of messing with boats and a way out of the pasture toward the deep blue sea.

“Wynken, Blynken and Nod one night
Sailed off in a wooden shoe,
Sailed on a river of crystal light
Into a sea of dew.”

Yacht Designs
William Garden

William Garden was born in Calgary, Alberta in 1918. He moved to Oregon with his family in 1924, then relocated to the Montlake district of Seattle by 1928. After graduation in 1935 enrolled at the Edison Boatbuilding School where he learned new construction for both sail and power, then went to work for Andrew's Boat Companyh on Portage Bay. He constructed his schooner GLEAM which he sailed throughout the San Juan Islands, around Vancouver Island, and along the coast of British Columbia when time permitted. In 1940 he formed a partnership with Dave Leclercq at an old mill site on Portage Bay and built five sailing yachts before closing in 1942 to work for the war effort. At the age of 24, with 51 boats designed (mainly work boats, tugs, trollers, and sardine boats), William Garden was drafted into the US Army and sent to the Adak Ship Repair Base in the Aleutians. Discharged in the spring of 1946 as a Master Sergeant, he returned to Seattle where he designed halibut boats, trollers and the 30-foot cutter BULL FROG, and cruised the Pacific Northwest.

In the fall of 1947 Garden was licensed as a Naval Architect and the following year took on additional design work on fishing boats and yachts, and replaced GLEAM with RAIN BIRD. In 1951 he moved to the Pacific Fishing & Trading Co. in Ballard, then in 1954 to Maritime Shipyards, producing several yachts, work boats and pile drivers, etc. He worked on several projects through the mid 1950's, and a 1957 article in marine Digeste detailed 62 boats in construction and another 12 on the boards.

Victoria was chosen as an interim move in 1968 to raise a family, after which a nearby island was purchased for design offices. Shops and a self-sufficient island home were established in 1969 at Toad's Landing near Sidney, BC where he operated until he passed away in 2011.  In 2006, Garden was awarded the Order of Canada for his contribution to Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Always with a passion for creating his designs in wood, the later years of Garden's life were busy with bringing many of his designs and dreams alive in wooden half models. Watch an informative video about his life at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fStcCZ6L8g0.