January 31st - February 28th, 2014

Exhibition — Chinese Works on Paper by Liu Wenxi And Xu Yisheng
An exceptional, rarely seen in Vancouver, selection of traditional style ink paintings by two leading Chinese contemporary artists available for collection This group of paintings was last exhibited in 1988 at The Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver as a special cultural exchange between the provinces of Shaanxi and British Columbia. The exhibition was sponsored by BCTV and coordinated in association with the Premier of Shaanxi Province, who put forth Liu Wenxi and Xu Yisheng as their most respected artists. In addition to the exhibition in Vancouver, the works toured in Toronto.
Liu Wenxi (b. 1933) is the President emeritus and Dean of the Research Institute of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. During the 1950s, Mr. Wenxi was among the first group of students of the National Academy of Art to be taught the new style of Chinese painting, characterized by strong wide lines that became prevalent in Soviet heroic figure painting. He was a primary advocate for the Shaanxi Cultural Bureau Art Creation Group during the Cultural Revolution. His depiction of Mao Zedong is represented on a set of currency commissioned by the People’s Bank of China in 1999. Liu Wenxi exhibits and is collected extensively in China and abroad.
Xu Yisheng (b. 1943) is currently the supervisor of postgraduate studies at Shaanxi Normal University. As a consultant to the Shaanxi government, he has assisted in developments led by the Research Institute of Culture and History. Supervised by Shi Lu and He Haixia during the 1960s, Xu Yisheng`s style exemplifies the rugged landscape and people of Shaanxi Province as developed by the Changàn School of modern Chinese painting. Mr. Yisheng has published over 100 writings and dissertations and been awarded for excellence twelve times at the local, national and international levels. The British Museum owns two paintings by Xu Yisheng. Among the cities that have showcased his work are New York, London, Tokyo, Osaka, Beijing, Taipei, and Singapore and Vancouver.