(Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwakiulth) Born 1956)




Calvin Hunt was born in Alert Bay the son of Emma, daughter of a great Nuu-Chah-Nulth Chief and shaman and Chief Thomas Hunt His brother is Ross Hunt He began his informal training as a young teenager under Henry Hunt, his uncle. He apprenticed with Tony Hunt his second cousin in 1971 at the Arts of the Raven Gallery and also studied with Doug Cranmer. He works primarily in wood, as well as stone and silkscreen. Working with Tony Hunt and John Livingston they collaborated on poles, dance screens and houseposts. These pieces are now in collections in Germany, Japan China, U.S.A and Canada. Other commissions also include a pole dedicated to past chief Andy Frank of the Comox Reserve and a carved dish and pole for the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

In May 1988 Calvin Hunt carved and raised the Hunt Pole, which is hereditarily owned by his brother Chief George Hunt Jr. He also carved a memorial grave figure for his father at the Fort Rupert Cemetery. There poles were the first shuch poles to be raised in the village for 70 years.